Dear Junior Kindy Families,
Well, we have reached the end of another term. The year is flying by and we have made so many more memorable moments together and are reaching goals and progressing each week cognitively, physically and emotionally.
This term our main focus was around sustainability and what do we find in our garden.
The children have been so engaged with this topic and have enjoyed visiting our front vegetable garden helping Miss Gabby. We took it in turns at watering each and every vegetable we could see and just sat and watched hoping to see some growth.
After discussions and research together, we discovered it takes time and patience when growing a garden. Our favourite vegetable is the bright green lettuce and corn that is still growing strong. J
With all the practice in the big garden it was time for us to grow our very own grass heads. With lots of nurturing and patience we added our soil, grass seeds and water. We waited and waited and after a couple of days, we were so surprised to see our ‘hair’ had grown. This was a magic moment for everyone to see and we were all so proud!
I am so proud of each and every one of the Junior Kindy friends and how far they have come this term!
What term 3 looks like…
Next term we will be continuing on with sustainability focusing more around recycle and reuse. If you have anything at home you wish to bring in for us to recycle/reuse such as tins, milk cartons, boxes etc that would be muchly appreciated.
We will also look at the 5 senses of the human body – Sight, hear, touch, taste and smell.
We will learn how they help us and perceive the world around us.
Our senses send messages through receptor cells to the brain using our nervous system to deliver us a message whether it be a certain smell or taste.
This is going to be lots of fun and a great hands on opportunity for the children to get messy and experience new tastes and smells.
Upcoming Events
- Friday 19th Cairns Show Public Holiday
- Wednesday 17th Pyjama Day in Junior Kindy with a picnic lunch outside
- 19th – 23rd Book Week (Reading is my Secret Power)
Just a reminder for all new families what your child needs to bring each day:
- A water bottle with their name clearly labelled
- A widebrim hat with their name clearly labelled
- Sheets for rest time with their name clearly labelled. (Cot sheet sets fit best)
- A lunch box with their name clearly labelled. Please ensure your child has enough food in their lunchbox for lunch and afternoon tea. Remembering healthy foods options and lots of variety
- A piece of fruit or veg is to be placed in our communal fruit bowl located on the bench in the kitchen. This is to be cut up and shared for morning tea.
- Lots of spare clothes as we love to get messy and play under our shower and water pump here at Just Kids
- A wet bag for your child’s wet clothes. This is NOT a must but is helpful to reduce the use of plastic bags.
- Please ensure that ALL your child’s belongings are clearly labelled as this helps reduce the risk of any personal items getting misplaced.
It has been a pleasure having your child with us for term 2 and for all those friends who have just joined us, we look forward to another term with you all.
If you have questions, queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to grab Miss Kylie for a chat or email to book in a coffee conversation.
With love Miss Kylie, Miss Jasmine & Miss Lucy xx