
Our Pre-Prep Program

“We are 4 years, turning 5 years old …..Wow…. we are really zooming now!”

It is at this point of a child’s development that experimentation, interaction with other children and the environment really begins to take place. In our Pre – Prep Room our teachers work together to facilitate an on-going cycle of planning, interacting, monitoring and reflecting.

Everyday your child’s learning is dynamic, complex and holistic and enriched by the amazing diverse children and staff of Just Kids.

Through their play, our children help co-construct the curriculum and programs as they interact with our staff and other children at Just Kids.

Why “Play Based” Learning?

When children play, they make decisions for themselves, test and solve problems, develop thinking skills, learn to get along with others, use language to communicate their ideas and feelings and develop a positive view of themselves.

All our Pre – Prep children are invited to participate in weekly Learn to Swim Lessons held at C-Me Swim School. For more information about C-Me Swim, please click here.