Dear Nursery families,
We would like to welcome all our new families at Just Kids Gordonvale, we look forward to working, building strong relationships on our exciting new journey together.
Term 3 reflecting on our goals.
Developmental Milestones, Healthy Eating – introducing solids.
How fast this term as flown!! This term we focused on some of your children’s different Developmental Milestones, watching their physical development grow and develop. Physical development has been our main focus with rolling over, crawling, walking. I’ve had lots of feedback from parents about their child’s interests and how they are developing at home.
We have continued to capture lots of beautiful magical moments, while watching our children grow and learn throughout the term, with each child’s different stages of development, while working together with our parents capturing their memorable moments.
Healthy Eating
Most of children were so keen to try our healthy choice meals with different cooked and uncooked recipes each week which they all seem to really enjoy eating.
We would like to thank you for sharing some of your favourite family recipes with us. We have a special cookbook with lots of quick and healthy recipes we would love to share together with you.
Term 4 we will be focusing on Finger foods which are such a great way to let your child experiment and learn how to self-feed.
Special reminder to ensure your child’s today runs smoothly at Just Kids.
A lunch box that is full of healthy food options. Lots of variety, with minimal sodium and sugars.
- Water bottles and cups also milk bottles are clearly labelled please
- Please collect your children’s wet and soiled clothes will be placed in wet and soiled container in Nursery bathroom area. (Tag will be attached to your child’s bag if they have wet or soiled items in container in bathroom area)
- We have sudocrem nappy cream at Just kids, please complete a medication form if you would like us to apply the cream when required.
- Hat’s please with your child’s name on
- Dummy’s in small container or dummy cover on then place in black baskets in Nursery kitchen this will help ensure personal hygiene
- Could you please bring in some fruit or vegetables to put into the fruit bowl in nursery kitchen each day to share with their friends for morning tea.
- We would love 3 to 4 sets of old spare clothes each day for your child, we love to have waterplay also playing in the rain
- Please bring up a box/pack of nappies to keep here and we will let you know when they are running low
Our Focus for Term 4 Healthy Eating – Finger foods
Self-help skills – Feeding themselves.
We will continue to focus on Healthy Eating introducing finger foods
with National Nutrition week. 13- 19th October coming up.
Free workshop
for families and children aged 0-2 years, are invited to attend presented by a qualified Nutritionists and Dietitian the workshop will cover Nutrition from 0-2 years introducing first foods including common allergy foods also textured progression in infants.
Date -Thursday the 14th November 2019
Venue -Gordonvale Early Years Centre
Time – 9-10am Cost – Free
Community Health Services – link to provide further support networks.
Self-help skills – encouraging to feed themselves with their spoons independently.
Thinking ahead to 2020
Believe it or not this is the time of year that Hayley and our team begin to look towards 2020.
Please see Hayley’s Intro and follow the link to access your “Holiday and 2020 Booking” letter electronically.
In October you will receive this letter via email and hard copies will be available in each learning room, asking you to identify what your childcare needs look like for 2020. Do you need/want the same days? Are your days changing next year?
If you’d like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to have a coffee and conversation with you.
Kind Regards
Miss Anita, Miss Kelsey and Miss Glynis