Dear Junior Kindy Families,
Welcome to the end of Term 3 and ready to kick start our final term for 2019. It has been a very busy term full of memorable moments and lots of achievements to celebrate.
We would like to give a warm welcome to a couple of new friends who have joined our Junior Kindy family this term. Welcome to the room, Tristan, Emerson, Noah and Amelia. We are so happy to see you settling in and already forming new friendships.
During Term 3 we focused on our five senses; See, hear, smell, touch and taste. This experience for the children was a great hands on opportunity to explore their bodies using their five senses. We were able to use these senses to move through our environments and broaden our understandings of the world we live in and also use competent language to explain their needs and cues such as see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
We also touched on reuse and recycle and how these simple tasks can make a big difference in our world. Some friends were lucky enough to experience a special presentation from the Cairns City Council which demonstrated the need for reusing and recycling and what different ‘rubbish’ items can be turned into. This was a big eye opener for us and we got straight into looking at items from around our room and our lunch box and how we can help to make a difference.
I am so proud of each and every one of the Junior Kindy friends and how far they have come this term!
What term 4 looks like…
Throughout Term 4 we will be consolidating our learning from over the busy year and looking at our age appropriate milestones and goals which will help us move forward and get ready for our transition into our new learning rooms for 2020.
We want our transitions to be as smooth as possible so we will work closely with each family to make this happen.
In the room we will also look at healthy eating which will look like and branch off into different areas such as our development, growth, sometimes food options, packet free lunch boxes, collecting veggies from our garden for cooking etc.
We will be incorporating hands on cooking activities throughout the term so keep an eye out for recipes coming home.
A gentle reminder for lunch box goals for Term 4. We are aiming for a low sodium, low sugar free foods with lots of water. Please aim for a packet free lunch box J
Here’s a link if you wish to read more on healthy lunch box options and different ideas.
Upcoming Events
- National Nutrition Week (13th – 19th October)
- Wednesday Evening 27th November JK End of year celebrations
Just a reminder for all new families what your child needs to bring each day:
- A water bottle with their name clearly labelled
- A widebrim hat with their name clearly labelled
- Sheets for rest time with their name clearly labelled. (Cot sheet sets fit best)
- A lunch box with their name clearly labelled. Please ensure your child has enough food in their lunchbox for lunch and afternoon tea. Remembering healthy foods options and lots of variety and colour
- A piece of fruit or veg is to be placed in our communal fruit bowl located on the bench in the kitchen. This is to be cut up and shared for morning tea.
- Lots of spare clothes as we love to get messy and play under our shower and water pump here at Just Kids
- A wet bag for your child’s wet clothes. This is NOT a must but is helpful to reduce the use of plastic bags.
Please ensure that ALL your child’s belongings are clearly labelled as this helps reduce the risk of any personal items getting misplaced.
Thinking ahead to 2020
Believe it or not this is the time of year that Hayley and our team begin to look towards 2020.
Please see Hayley’s Intro and follow the link to access your “Holiday and 2020 Booking” letter electronically.
In October you will receive this letter via email and hard copies will be available in each learning room, asking you to identify what your childcare needs look like for 2020. Do you need/want the same days? Are your days changing next year?
If you’d like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to have a coffee and conversation with you.
It has been a pleasure having your child with us for Term 3 and for all those friends who have just joined us, we look forward to another term with you all.
If you have questions, queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to grab Miss Kylie for a chat or email to book in a coffee conversation.
With love Miss Kylie, Miss Jasmine & Miss Lucy xx